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Gospel Journey Wrap Up

1 Oct

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: How to Share

Sermon in a Sentence: Now you know, its time to GO!

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 3 out of 10.

Attendance: 52 Up 7.7% from last week

Service Length: 90min

Understandable Message: Matt 28:18-20 We have a mission to share our faith

Grade: B+

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Daniel, Jeremy and Ryan on the tech. Roni and Kadi did a skit of how NOT to share your faith, and then how to share your faith. Rees helped run the game. Worship lead by the Fusion Band

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Sloppy Joe eating contest with no hands, and Kajabi Can Can. Laurie made sloppy joes, cookies, chips as a way to honor Rees who is moving into a new ministry, helping children through GAP Ministry. Awesome!! He will be missed.

Music Playlist: Strong Tower, Let It Be

Favorite Moment: We invited all the students who made first time decisions, or rededicated their lives to Christ, over the past 7 week series to stand. So awesome to see how many lives God has touched!! PLUS 2 NEW salvation!!!

Gospel Journey Week 6

24 Sep

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: Session 6

Sermon in a Sentence: Life that’s eternal mean we will live with Jesus forever

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 4 out of 10.

Attendance: 40 Down 8% from last week

Service Length: 90min

Understandable Message: John 10:10 Not only eternal life, but life in abundance!!

Grade: B+

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Daniel and Jeremy on the tech. Roni ran the game. Leaders with small groups.

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Extreme Kajabi (two trash cans)

Music Playlist: No band tonight

Favorite Moment: One of our seniors that has never lost a game of Kajabi, lost!! Favorite moment had to be the students reciting GOSPEL.

Gospel Journey 5

17 Sep

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: Session 5

Sermon in a Sentence: Everyone who believes in Him alone has life that’s eternal.

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 4 out of 10. So good to see leaders taking charge!

Attendance: 47 Down 2% from last week

Service Length: 90min

Understandable Message: Some great discussions in groups. One of the questions brought up was how can we trust that the Bible we have today is the same as the one originally written? I love it when all the canned Christian responses go out the door and students get real with what they are struggling with.

Grade: B

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Daniel on the tech board. Tina, Rees, Sherry, Roni, and Laurie lead small group discussions.

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Game of clumps

Music Playlist: Band played intro of Back in Black, a Beatles song I can’t remember, and Strong Tower.

Favorite Moment: One of our students who had been coming through out the Gospel Journey, was a self proclaimed Wiccan. I say was…did you catch that? She accepted Christ!! Cool thing was she did it on Sat., and then on tonight’s session the Wiccan student, accepted Christ. She thought that was so cool. I must say so do I!

Bomb of the Night: I forgot to get out the lemonade!! I made it, and left it in the kitchen!!

Gospel Journey Week 4

10 Sep

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: Session 4

Sermon in a Sentence: Paying the price for sin Jesus died and rose again.

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 6 out of 10.

Attendance: 48

Service Length: 90min

Understandable Message: Some great discussions in groups. 9th grade boys are a challenge, God help me to have patience!

Grade: B

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Jeremy on the tech board. Tina, Rees, Sherry, Roni, and Laurie lead small group discussions. No band tonight. Two birthdays, and some cookies(thanks to Laurie!)

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Game of M&M dash, one broken arm and a few who claimed to puke…don’t ask!

Music Playlist:

Favorite Moment: Some of the same kids accepting Christ lol no matter how many times I explain it, their hands keep going up lol.

Gospel Journey Week 3

3 Sep

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: Session 3

Sermon in a Sentence: Sins can not be replaced by good deeds.

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 6 out of 10 Great night, such a change from last week.

Attendance: 52

Service Length: 90min

Understandable Message: Tonight Greg Stier talked about how we can not live up to the 10 commandments. No matter how hard we try, they are like a mirror, showing us God’s perfect standard. We talked about a cake that gets burned, and we try to cover it up with frosting to make it look pretty, and appetizing. On the outside it looks perfect, but on the inside its still burned. That’s us! We change are outward appearance, but on the inside we are still broken, we are still dirty, we are still covered in sin. God sees whats on the inside, He sees our heart and what our true desires are. Much like that pretty cake, God sees the burnt cake under the frosting. Tonight’s video ended on a little downer, so we started to dive into next weeks message. In the Old Testament God demanded a blood sacrifice to cover our sins. It must have gotten really bloody and expensive! The covering was only temporary, until they sinned again. I would be broke inside of a week! BUT God sent the ultimate sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice, one sacrifice to cover all of our sins. Past, present and future. Tonight we had 4 students come to Jesus to be the covering for their sins. Such an awesome thing to see!

Grade: B+

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Jeremy on the tech board. Tina, Rees, Sherry, Roni, and Laurie lead small group discussions. The YM band played and sounded awesome!!! Chad tore up a solo on the guitar!! Rees lead Kajabi Can Can with prizes for the winner of both rounds. We celebrated a birthday tonight with cupcakes and lemonade, thanks Laurie for hooking us up!

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Band, and lemonade!

Music Playlist:

Favorite Moment: 4 students accepting Christ!

Gospel Journey Week 2

27 Aug

Wednesday Teaching Series: Gospel Journey

Sermon Title: Session 2

Sermon in a Sentence: Our sins separate us from God

Weekend Scale of Difficulty: 10 out of 10 Rough Rough night…the kind of night that makes you think, why am I doing this?! Had to bring in the 3R’s Request, Re-seat and Remove. Praying next week goes better so I don’t have to call parents.

Attendance: 44

Service Length: 94min

Understandable Message: Tonight Greg Stier talked about our sin separates us from God.

Grade: B

Volunteer/Student Involvement: Jeremy and Daniel(students) on the tech board. Tina, Rees, Sherry, Haley(student), Roni, and Laurie lead small group discussions. The YM band played and sounded awesome!!!

Element of Fun/Positive Environment: Band, and lemonade!

Music Playlist: Strong Tower- Kutless, Beatles Song…can’t remember the title!

Favorite Moment: Despite the distractions God still moved, 6 students accepting Christ!